
PVC heat shrink film printing to pay attention to what matters?

2025-02-08 15:15

General company production of PVC heat shrink film can be printed on the shrink film company LOGO and product information, so that your products can not only show the perfect packaging effect, but also better publicize the product. Then PVC heat shrink film in the printing time to pay attention to what matters?

shrink film

First, PVC heat shrink film is the control of tension: because the film in the printing process is more susceptible to changes in tension, resulting in overprinting is not allowed, so in the printing process should pay close attention to the control of tension, to maintain the stability and balance of tension.

PVC heat shrink film

Second, the selection of ink: ink for PVC heat shrink film printing there are four main categories: solvent-based ink, water-based ink, cationic UV ink and free radical UV ink.

the film

Third, PVC heat shrink film is the control of drying temperature: when printing heat shrink film, how to control the drying temperature is very important. Drying temperature is too high, then the material occurs thermal contraction; temperature is too low, then the ink drying is not thorough enough, resulting in the back of the adhesion and the back of the dirty.

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